Communication an entity of type: Concept

A Communicator conveys a Message to an Addressee; the Topic and Medium of the communication also may be expressed. This frame includes no specification of the method of communication (speech, writing, gesture, etc.). The frames that inherit the general Communication frame can add elaboration to the Medium in a variety of ways (in French, on the radio program, in a letter) or to the Manner of communication (babble, rant, shout, whisper). There are also frames that either do not inherit all of the FEs of this frame or do not inherit them in a straightforward manner (such as Conversation, in which Communicator and Addressee alternate roles, and are often expressed by a single, plural NP). Let's hope it did n't have time to communicate any of its findings to its overlords . NB: For many words in this domain (those which do not inherently ascribe cognitive/social processes to a Communicator, position a statement within a conversation, or specify Medium in detail), there is a metaphorical usage which maps Communication onto an alternate POV of Becoming_aware, with corresponding maps for frames related to Communication. This metaphor is most felicitous with Means or Medium subjects, which are mapped onto the Evidence FE of Becoming_aware. In many cases this metaphor maps Communication onto the Evidence frame, but not always. Some words from the Communication domain are listed in the Evidence frame since they are deemed to be lexicalized. A flick of his gaze toward the doorway told me what he really wanted . MET This painting really speaks to me . INI MET Putting his arm around her protectively achieved nothing but announcing to their captors their vulnerability . MET It says a lot that he did n't come back . INI MET
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:41+01:00 

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