Estimating an entity of type: Concept

A Cognizer carries out an approximate calculation or considers some Evidence so as to arrive at an approximate Value for some Feature of an Item. There are two alternative construals. In one, the Feature is presented as a Question about the Item and the Value is conceived as an answer to the Question. In the second construal, a fully propositional Estimation by the Cognizer is presented which expresses the result of the Cognizer's approximation. Until 1971, dolphin mortality could be estimated only from analyses of vessels ' logbooks -- and the figures are probably underestimates. CNI The UK government estimates that there is sufficient gas in the UK sector to meet UK demand for some 17 to 35 years . The astronomers estimated how much energy was needed to create the cavities by calculating the density, temperature and pressure of the hot gas. The banner is estimated in value at $500. CNI When Congress passed the Medicare bill in late 2003, the Congressional Budget Office estimated its cost at $395 billion over 10 years. We estimated how much we had at around 12 thousand. @en
xsd:dateTime 2005-06-21T15:46:04+02:00 
xsd:int 1513 

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