Import_export an entity of type: Concept

An Agent moves Goods (or some other useful item) from an Exporting_area, across a boundary or border to a different area, the Importing_area. The Path along which the Goods pass may also be indicated. Depending on the lexical unit, the Agent 's point of view may be centered on the Exporting_area at the beginning of the process (e.g. export) or on the Importing_area and the end of the process (e.g. import) or on the Path (e.g. transship). In some sentences, a constituent which encodes the Agent FE also encodes information about the Exporting_area, Path, or Importing_area.
xsd:dateTime 2002-11-07T15:56:24+01:00 
xsd:int 422 

data from the linked data cloud