
http://premon.fbk.eu/resource/fn15-undergo_change an entity of type: Concept

An Entity changes, either in its category membership or in terms of the value of an Attribute. In the former case, an Initial_category and a Final_category may be expressed, in the latter case an Initial_value and a Final_value can be specified. As soon as Tiffany kissed the frog, Tiffany turned into a frog. He chanted and the rock changed shape, becoming a great double bitted axe. The College has changed markedly over the century since it first opened its doors. If I'm understanding you correctly, you want the switchbar color to change whenever the bot says something? My life instantly changed from an empty life, to a life full of joy and purpose. As you can see, the word WALK changed from red to green rather than have a separate lens for each colour. My feet turned to stone. The promise will turn to ashes if progress is not made. The price changed from $1.26 to $1.27 per pint. DNI At least one relative instruction has changed in size from short to long
xsd:dateTime 2004-07-13T12:38:58+02:00 
xsd:int 1172 

data from the linked data cloud