Attaching an entity of type: Concept

The Attaching frame covers two situations: a scene in which somebody causes one thing to be physically connected to something else; or a scene in which somebody causes two things to be connected to each other. In the first, the frame includes an Agent who attaches an Item to a Goal by manipulating a Connector, creating an asymmetric relationship between the Item and the Goal. In the second, the Agent attaches two Items to each other, where each serves as a Goal for the other, creating a symmetric relationship between the two Items. In both cases, the Connector remains to bind the two entities (either Item and Goal, or two Items), without creating a new entity. The robber tied Harry to the chair. Make sure you bind his wrists as tightly as possible.
xsd:dateTime 2001-08-13T11:26:14+02:00 
xsd:int 197 

data from the linked data cloud