Inference an entity of type: Concept

Inference expresses some property of the Phenomenon that is not a direct feature of the particular sensory modality (if any), but rather is based on perception within that modality.Pat sounds devastated by the bad news. Inference may superficially look like Appraisal, as in: That idea sounds dreadful. However, it is not the perception of the "sound" of the idea that is "dreadful", it is the idea itself that is inferred to be dreadful based on what was heard. It looks like Johanna is going to the ball without me. Note the dummy-it as subject in this sense of "look" and that "appears that" could replace "looks like". Here, it is _inferrable_ that Johanna will go to the ball without the speaker.
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:12:20+01:00 
xsd:int 312 

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