Interior_profile_relation an entity of type: Concept

A Figure is located in the interior (the Profiled_region--see Locative_relation frame) of the Ground. Some members of this frame indicate the plexity of the Ground, as either single-entity gestalt (inside), two-entity or bi-partite gestalt (between), and multiple-entity or multipart gestalt (among, amid), while others are maximally general (in). This frame makes use of the Bounded_region image schema, a way of partitioning a scene into an Interior, an Exterior, and a Boundary. In some cases, the Boundary may be a physical entity that inhibits motion ("in a box"), while in other cases it may be based on a category boundary where properties change ("in the garden"). The LUs that specifically pick out two-entity or multi-entity Grounds imply the lack or irrelevancy of a physical barrier. This frame is used in several productive metaphor cases. It is used to describe the timing of events relative to other events or periods, with per target differentiation or homogeneity of the Ground events that serve as a reference, based on the literal use of a target ("amid the confusion", "inside the competition period", "between lunch and dinner"). It is also used in a productive metaphor that locates emotional and cognitive states within an individual ("I felt an unease inside me."). She stood in a puddle and splashed desultorily . I felt around inside the oven hood . CNI They found the backpack and found a computer inside . DNI This frame is intended to cover cases in which the Ground is a critical locus for the event. (When annotating the main verb in such a case, the locative phrase may be annotated on a second layer as Means, Instrument, or Cause.) The pole snapped off in her hand . She combed her hair between her fingers . In some very specific situations, a prepositional phrase can be used with a copula to describe the whole Profiled_region where a Figure is or could be, as in the following: Inside my wallet is where i put it . Outside your blind date's door seems like the worst place in the world . As in other locative frames, the LUs interact productively with other lexical and non-lexical frames. One of the more confusing cases is with verbs involving gaze, in the which the Figure is specified by the governing verb to be the gaze of the viewer, and thus from the viewpoint of the locative LU is CNI. See the following: They looked among the trees for an hour . CNI This frame should not be used for cases in which the Ground element is a literal or metaphorical distance; see Within_distance.
xsd:dateTime 2004-07-14T20:24:31+02:00 
xsd:int 1178 

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