Connectors an entity of type: Concept

The Connector is an artifact created to affix a Connected_item or to bind onto a Fixed_location and is primarily so used. A more specific Use may also be specified. Certain words in this frame (e.g. bond, chain in the phrase in chains) indicate specifically that the Connector is being used to immobilize something. Connectors have a wide variety of physical forms: long, thin, and flexible for tying (ropes, bonds, withies); solid, with a shape corresponding to holes in the entities to be connected (bolts, nails, pegs); and liquid (glues, adhesives, pastes). A waterproof adhesive should be used for this exterior job. His bonds had to be loosened before they could be cut. She jerked on His neck rope again, to keep his attention. I think they cut his bike chain with bolt cutters.
xsd:dateTime 2002-10-25T10:28:49+02:00 
xsd:int 419 

data from the linked data cloud