Criminal_process an entity of type: Concept

A Suspect is arrested by Authorities on Charges related to an Offense, then is arraigned as a Defendant. If at any time the Defendant pleads guilty, then the Defendant is sentenced, otherwise the Defendant first goes to trial. During trial, the Defense and Prosecution present arguments on behalf of and against the Defendant, respectively. If the Jury comes up with a guilty verdict at the end of the trial, the Defendant is sentenced. In the end, the Defendant is either released or is given a Sentence by a Judge at the sentencing. The Core roles in this frame and its subframes include Authorities, Charges, Court, Defendant, Defense, Judge, Jury, Offense, Prosecution, and Suspect. Non-Core roles include Place, Time, Victim, and Witness.
xsd:dateTime 2001-08-16T19:34:25+02:00 
xsd:int 200 

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