Funding an entity of type: Concept

A Supplier gives funds to a Recipient to fulfill a need or purpose (Imposed_purpose) of the Recipient. The University funded Paige so that she could complete her doctorate. Often, the Imposed_purpose appears as a direct object of the target verb instead of the Recipient. With these, the Imposed_purpose can either be metonymically linked to some Recipient, in which case the Recipient FE is marked as DNI: Investors financed the software start-up.DNI or it can explicitly encompass the Recipient, in which case the Recipient part is annotated on a second FE layer: Lobbyists backed the senator's campaign for president. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the senator's
xsd:dateTime 2015-09-03T11:17:27+02:00 
xsd:int 2982 

data from the linked data cloud