Basis_for_attribute an entity of type: Concept

A piece of information about a Landmark is presented as more accessible and useful for determining or communicating a similar type of information about the Trajector. In this construal of a situation, there is a (more) profiled element, the Trajector, and an un- or less profiled element, the Landmark. In combination with a schematically-defined Profiled_region (with a pre-defined relationship to the Landmark), the Landmark serves as the basis for understanding the status or location of the Trajector. The cat in the shed purred violently . The shed around the cat shook . We 'll have to leave before noon . In the 1990s , though , the rate at which DNA could be read revved into high gear .
xsd:dateTime 2004-07-08T12:04:11+02:00 
xsd:int 1160 

data from the linked data cloud