Deny_or_grant_permission an entity of type: Concept

In this frame, an Authority allows a Protagonist to know (in some way) that they may or may not engage in an Action. For lexical units of this frame marked with the semantic type "Negative", e.g., authorize.v, the Authority has the power to tell the Protagonist not to do something, but does not do so. It is assumed that if the Protagonist engages in the Action without permission, then the Authority will punish the Protagonist in some way, at least with disapproval; if the Authority grants permission, however, the Authority is agreeing not to impose a punishment on the Protagonist for performing the Action. The police officer forbid me from turning around . My mother okayed me to go to the movies with Simon . The teacher gave the children permission to eat their lunch outside. The Church had sanctioned for recital after Mass a special prayer to St. Michael.
xsd:dateTime 2003-01-23T10:46:58+01:00 
xsd:int 520 

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