
http://premon.fbk.eu/resource/fn17-possibility an entity of type: Concept

A Possible_event is deemed to have all pre-conditions satisfied; in other words, it has some probability of occurrence, if some (generally implicit) further Condition pertains. The Condition, whether overt or implicit, often concerns the decision of an agent to attempt to bring the Possible_event about. The primary implication is that certain other aspects of the situation that might have been expected to prevent the Possible_event, usually lack of capability or permission, do not pertain. You ca n't burn glass . INI You can have two more if you want . This sense of lack can never be satisfied . We just ca n't stand it anymore . INI This frame is confusable with the Capability frame, which specifically involves an Agent who is presented as needing only the decision to perform an Action in order to successfully perform the Action.
xsd:dateTime 2008-11-11T15:50:08+01:00 
xsd:int 2120 

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