Cause_change an entity of type: Concept

An Agent or Cause causes an Entity to change, either in its category membership or in terms of the value of an Attribute. In the former case, an Initial_category and a Final_category may be expressed, in the latter case an Initial_value and a Final_value can be specified. Our storylines follows the saga outlined by the Ultima Series, but we have modified it in order to make our writing more cohesive. I don't think you can turn that rabbit into a hat. How can a guy that changed his name from Bob Craft to Jack Ass declare anyone defamed his character? At this juncture, a new development changed the political situation on the island. She had at some time earlier completely changed her clothing and appearance and now stood in front of me dressed like a garden gnome. Hence, when (Hg 0 ) is converted to Hg 2+ , it can be rapidly taken up in rain water, snow, or adsorbed onto small particles Hence, when (Hg 0 ) is converted to Hg 2+ , it can be rapidly taken up in rain water, snow, or adsorbed onto small particles
xsd:dateTime 2003-05-22T13:31:09+02:00 
xsd:int 683 

data from the linked data cloud