1   package eu.fbk.dkm.premon.premonitor;
3   import java.io.File;
4   import java.io.FileInputStream;
5   import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
6   import java.net.URL;
7   import java.nio.file.Files;
8   import java.util.Collection;
9   import java.util.HashMap;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.Map;
12  import java.util.Properties;
13  import java.util.Set;
14  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
15  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
16  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
17  import java.util.stream.Collectors;
19  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
21  import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
22  import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
23  import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
24  import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
25  import com.google.common.collect.HashBasedTable;
26  import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
27  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
28  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
29  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
30  import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
31  import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
32  import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
33  import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
34  import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps;
35  import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
36  import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
37  import com.google.common.collect.Table;
38  import com.google.common.collect.Table.Cell;
39  import com.google.common.io.Resources;
41  import org.openrdf.model.BNode;
42  import org.openrdf.model.Namespace;
43  import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
44  import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
45  import org.openrdf.model.URI;
46  import org.openrdf.model.Value;
47  import org.openrdf.model.impl.ContextStatementImpl;
48  import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
49  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DCTERMS;
50  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.OWL;
51  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
52  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS;
53  import org.openrdf.rio.RDFHandler;
54  import org.openrdf.rio.RDFHandlerException;
55  import org.slf4j.Logger;
56  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
58  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.util.ProcessorUndoRDFS;
59  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.DECOMP;
60  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.FB;
61  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.LEXINFO;
62  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.NIF;
63  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.ONTOLEX;
64  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.PM;
65  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.PMO;
66  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.PMONB;
67  import eu.fbk.dkm.premon.vocab.PMOPB;
68  import eu.fbk.dkm.utils.CommandLine;
69  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.AbstractRDFHandler;
70  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RDFHandlers;
71  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RDFProcessor;
72  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RDFProcessors;
73  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RDFSource;
74  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RDFSources;
75  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.RuleEngine;
76  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.Ruleset;
77  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.SetOperator;
78  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Hash;
79  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.IO;
80  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.QuadModel;
81  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Statements;
82  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Tracker;
84  /**
85   * Premonitor command line tool for converting predicate resources to the PreMOn model
86   */
87  public class Premonitor {
89      private static final String DEFAULT_PATH = ".";
90      private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE = "premonitor.properties";
91      private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BASE = "output/premon";
92      private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMATS = "trig.gz,tql.gz,ttl.gz";
93      private static final String DEFAULT_WORDNET_FILE = "wordnet-3.1/wn31.nt.gz";
95      private static final Pattern PROPERTIES_RESOURCES_PATTERN = Pattern
96              .compile("^resource([0-9]+)\\.(.*)$");
98      private static final String WN_PREFIX = "http://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu/wn31/";
100     private static final URI LEMON_LEXICAL_ENTRY = Statements.VALUE_FACTORY
101             .createURI("http://lemon-model.net/lemon#LexicalEntry");
102     private static final URI LEMON_REFERENCE = Statements.VALUE_FACTORY
103             .createURI("http://lemon-model.net/lemon#reference");
104     private static final URI WN_OLD_SENSE = Statements.VALUE_FACTORY
105             .createURI("http://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu/ontology#old_sense_key");
107     private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Premonitor.class);
109     public static void main(final String[] args) {
111         try {
112             final CommandLine cmd = CommandLine.parser().withName("./premonitor")
113                     .withHeader("Transform linguistic resources into RDF")
114                     .withOption("i", "input",
115                             String.format("input folder (default %s)", DEFAULT_PATH), "FOLDER",
116                             CommandLine.Type.DIRECTORY_EXISTING, true, false, false)
117                     .withOption("b", "output-base", "Output base path/name (default 'premon')",
118                             "PATH", CommandLine.Type.FILE, true, false, false)
119                     .withOption("f", "output-formats",
120                             "Comma-separated list of output formats (default 'tql.gz')", "FMTS",
121                             CommandLine.Type.STRING, true, false, false)
122                     .withOption("p", "properties",
123                             String.format("Property file (default %s)", DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE),
124                             "FILE", CommandLine.Type.FILE, true, false, false)
125                     .withOption("s", "single", "Extract single lemma (apply to all resources)",
126                             "LEMMA", CommandLine.Type.STRING, true, false, false)
127                     .withOption(null, "wordnet",
128                             String.format("WordNet RDF triple file (default: %s)",
129                                     DEFAULT_WORDNET_FILE),
130                             "FILE", CommandLine.Type.FILE_EXISTING, true, false, false)
131                     .withOption(null, "wordnet-sensekeys", "WordNet senseKey mapping", "FILE",
132                             CommandLine.Type.FILE_EXISTING, true, false, false)
133                     .withOption("r", "omit-owl2rl", "Omit OWL2RL reasoning (faster)")
134                     .withOption("x", "omit-stats", "Omit generation of statistics (faster)")
135                     .withOption("m", "omit-filter-mappings",
136                             "Omit filtering illegal mappings " //
137                                     + "referring to non-existing conceptualizations (faster)")
138                     .withLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger("eu.fbk")).parse(args);
140             // Input/output
141             File inputFolder = new File(DEFAULT_PATH);
142             if (cmd.hasOption("input")) {
143                 inputFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("input", File.class);
144             }
145             File propertiesFile = new File(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE);
146             if (cmd.hasOption("properties")) {
147                 propertiesFile = cmd.getOptionValue("properties", File.class);
148             }
150             System.setProperty("javax.xml.accessExternalDTD", "file");
152             // WordNet
153             final HashMap<String, URI> wnInfo = new HashMap<>();
155             final URL resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
156                     .getResource("eu/fbk/dkm/premon/premonitor/wn30-senseKeys.tsv");
157             List<String> allLines = null;
158             if (resource != null) {
159                 allLines = Resources.readLines(resource, Charsets.UTF_8);
160             }
162             if (cmd.hasOption("wordnet-sensekeys")) {
163                 allLines = Files.readAllLines(
164                         cmd.getOptionValue("wordnet-sensekeys", File.class).toPath());
165             }
166             if (allLines != null) {
167                 for (String line : allLines) {
168                     line = line.trim();
169                     final String[] parts = line.split("\\s+");
170                     if (parts.length >= 2) {
171                         String senseKey = parts[0];
172                         final String synsetID = parts[1];
173                         senseKey = senseKey.replaceAll(":[^:]*:[^:]*$", "");
174                         wnInfo.put(senseKey, Converter.createURI(WN_PREFIX, synsetID));
175                     }
176                 }
177             }
179             if (cmd.hasOption("wordnet")) {
180                 final File wnRDF = cmd.getOptionValue("wordnet", File.class);
181                 if (wnRDF != null && wnRDF.exists()) {
182                     LOGGER.info("Loading WordNet");
183                     final RDFSource source = RDFSources.read(true, true, null, null,
184                             wnRDF.getAbsolutePath());
185                     source.emit(new AbstractRDFHandler() {
187                         @Override
188                         public void handleStatement(final Statement statement)
189                                 throws RDFHandlerException {
191                             // Really really bad!
192                             if (statement.getPredicate().equals(RDF.TYPE)
193                                     && statement.getObject().equals(LEMON_LEXICAL_ENTRY)) {
194                                 if (statement.getSubject() instanceof URI) {
195                                     synchronized (wnInfo) {
196                                         // required to establish owl:sameAs links
197                                         wnInfo.put(statement.getSubject().stringValue(),
198                                                 (URI) statement.getSubject());
199                                     }
200                                 }
201                             }
203                             // Really really bad!
204                             if (statement.getPredicate().equals(LEMON_REFERENCE)) {
205                                 final Resource s = statement.getSubject();
206                                 final Value o = statement.getObject();
207                                 if (s instanceof URI && o instanceof URI) {
208                                     synchronized (wnInfo) {
209                                         // required to establish VN32 links
210                                         final String name = s.stringValue();
211                                         final int start = name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
212                                         final int end = name.lastIndexOf('-',
213                                                 name.indexOf('#', start));
214                                         final String lemma = name.substring(start, end)
215                                                 .replace('+', '_');
216                                         final String key = o.stringValue() + "|" + lemma;
217                                         final URI oldURI = wnInfo.put(key, (URI) s);
218                                         Preconditions
219                                                 .checkState(oldURI == null || oldURI.equals(s));
220                                     }
221                                 }
222                             }
223                         }
224                     }, 1);
226                     LOGGER.info("Loaded {} URIs", wnInfo.size());
227                 }
228             }
230             // Load properties
231             final HashMap<Integer, Properties> multiProperties = new HashMap<>();
233             LOGGER.info("Loading properties file: {}", propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath());
234             if (propertiesFile.exists()) {
235                 final Properties tmpProp = new Properties();
236                 tmpProp.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesFile));
238                 for (final Object key : tmpProp.keySet()) {
239                     final Matcher m = PROPERTIES_RESOURCES_PATTERN.matcher((String) key);
240                     if (m.find()) {
241                         final Integer id = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
242                         final String subProperty = m.group(2);
244                         if (multiProperties.get(id) == null) {
245                             multiProperties.put(id, new Properties());
246                         }
248                         multiProperties.get(id).setProperty(subProperty,
249                                 tmpProp.getProperty((String) key));
250                     }
251                 }
252             }
254             final Map<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> models = new HashMap<>();
255             for (final Integer id : multiProperties.keySet()) {
256                 final Properties properties = multiProperties.get(id);
258                 final boolean active = properties.getProperty("active", "0").equals("1");
259                 if (!active) {
260                     LOGGER.info("Resource {} is not active", id);
261                     continue;
262                 }
264                 final String source = properties.getProperty("source");
265                 if (source == null || source.length() == 0) {
266                     LOGGER.error("Resource {} has no source", id);
267                     continue;
268                 }
270                 LOGGER.info("Processing {}", properties.getProperty("label"));
272                 // Check class
273                 final String className = properties.getProperty("class");
274                 if (className == null) {
275                     LOGGER.error("Resource {} has no class", id);
276                     continue;
277                 }
279                 // Check folder
280                 String folderName = properties.getProperty("folder");
281                 if (folderName == null) {
282                     LOGGER.error("Resource {} has no folder", id);
283                     continue;
284                 }
285                 if (!folderName.startsWith(File.separator)) {
286                     folderName = inputFolder + File.separator + folderName;
287                 }
288                 final File folder = new File(folderName);
289                 if (!folder.exists()) {
290                     LOGGER.error("Folder {} does not exist", folderName);
291                     continue;
292                 }
293                 if (!folder.isDirectory()) {
294                     LOGGER.error("Folder {} is not a folder", folderName);
295                     continue;
296                 }
298                 try {
299                     // Build an RDFHandler that populates a NS map and a QuadModel for each graph
300                     final AtomicInteger numQuads = new AtomicInteger();
301                     final Map<String, String> namespaces = Maps.newHashMap();
302                     final Map<URI, QuadModel> graphModels = new HashMap<>();
303                     models.put(source, graphModels);
304                     final RDFHandler handler = new AbstractRDFHandler() {
306                         @Override
307                         public void handleNamespace(final String prefix, final String uri) {
308                             namespaces.put(prefix, uri);
309                         }
311                         @Override
312                         public synchronized void handleStatement(final Statement stmt) {
313                             numQuads.incrementAndGet();
314                             URI graph;
315                             try {
316                                 graph = (URI) stmt.getContext();
317                             } catch (final ClassCastException ex) {
318                                 LOGGER.warn("Unexpected non-URI graph: " + stmt.getContext());
319                                 return;
320                             }
321                             QuadModel graphModel = graphModels.get(graph);
322                             if (graphModel == null) {
323                                 graphModel = QuadModel.create();
324                                 graphModels.put(graph, graphModel);
325                             }
326                             graphModel.add(stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(),
327                                     stmt.getObject());
328                         }
330                     };
332                     // Create and invoke Converter using reflection
333                     final Class<?> cls = Class.forName(className);
334                     final Constructor<?> constructor = cls.getConstructor(File.class,
335                             RDFHandler.class, Properties.class, Map.class);
336                     final Object converter = constructor.newInstance(folder, handler, properties,
337                             wnInfo);
338                     if (converter instanceof Converter) {
339                         ((Converter) converter).convert();
340                     }
342                     // Apply default + Converter namespaces to all the graphs collected
343                     int numUniqueQuads = 0;
344                     for (final QuadModel model : graphModels.values()) {
345                         numUniqueQuads += model.size();
346                         for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : namespaces.entrySet()) {
347                             model.setNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
348                         }
349                         model.setNamespace(PM.PREFIX, PM.NAMESPACE);
350                         model.setNamespace(PMO.PREFIX, PMO.NAMESPACE);
351                         model.setNamespace(PMOPB.PREFIX, PMOPB.NAMESPACE);
352                         model.setNamespace(PMONB.PREFIX, PMONB.NAMESPACE);
353                         model.setNamespace(ONTOLEX.PREFIX, ONTOLEX.NAMESPACE);
354                         model.setNamespace(DECOMP.PREFIX, DECOMP.NAMESPACE);
355                         model.setNamespace(LEXINFO.PREFIX, LEXINFO.NAMESPACE);
356                         model.setNamespace(FB.PREFIX, FB.NAMESPACE);
357                     }
359                     // Log the number of triples extracted
360                     LOGGER.info("Extracted {} quads ({} before deduplication)", numUniqueQuads,
361                             numQuads.get());
363                 } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
364                     // Log and ignore
365                     LOGGER.error("Class {} not found", className);
366                 }
367             }
369             try {
370                 // Extract output base name and formats, removing leading '.' character from them
371                 final String base = cmd.getOptionValue("b", String.class, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BASE);
372                 final String[] formats = cmd
373                         .getOptionValue("f", String.class, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMATS).split(",");
374                 for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; ++i) {
375                     if (formats[i].charAt(0) == '.') {
376                         formats[i] = formats[i].substring(1);
377                     }
378                 }
380                 // Extract flags controlling output generation
381                 final boolean owl2rl = !cmd.hasOption("r");
382                 final boolean statistics = !cmd.hasOption("x");
383                 final boolean filterMappings = !cmd.hasOption("m");
385                 // Emit the output based on previous settings
386                 emit(base, formats, models, owl2rl, statistics, filterMappings);
388             } catch (final Exception ex) {
389                 // Wrap and propagate
390                 throw new RDFHandlerException(
391                         "IO error, some files might not have been properly saved ("
392                                 + ex.getMessage() + ")",
393                         ex);
394             }
396         } catch (final Throwable ex) {
397             CommandLine.fail(ex);
398         }
399     }
401     private static void emit(final String base, final String[] formats,
402             final Map<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> models, final boolean owl2rl,
403             final boolean statistics, final boolean filterMappings) throws RDFHandlerException {
405         // Load TBox and get rid of unwanted classes
406         final QuadModel tbox = QuadModel.create();
407         RDFSources
408                 .read(false, true, null, null, "classpath:/eu/fbk/dkm/premon/premonitor/tbox.ttl")
409                 .emit(RDFHandlers.wrap(tbox), 1);
410         final String semNS = "http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/semiotics.owl#";
411         final Set<URI> unwantedConcepts = ImmutableSet.of(RDFS.RESOURCE, NIF.URISCHEME,
412                 NIF.RFC5147_STRING, NIF.CSTRING, new URIImpl(semNS + "InformationEntity"),
413                 new URIImpl(semNS + "Expression"), new URIImpl(semNS + "Meaning"));
414         for (final Statement stmt : ImmutableList.copyOf(tbox)) {
415             final Resource s = stmt.getSubject();
416             final URI p = stmt.getPredicate();
417             final Value o = stmt.getObject();
418             if (unwantedConcepts.contains(s) || unwantedConcepts.contains(o)
419                     || (s.equals(PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS_MAPPING) || s.equals(PMO.SEMANTIC_ROLE_MAPPING)
420                             || s.equals(PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION_MAPPING))
421                             && p.equals(RDFS.SUBCLASSOF) && o instanceof BNode) {
422                 tbox.remove(stmt);
423             }
424         }
425         LOGGER.info("TBox loaded - {} quads", tbox.size());
427         // Close TBox
428         final Ruleset tboxRuleset = Ruleset
429                 .fromRDF("classpath:/eu/fbk/dkm/premon/premonitor/ruleset.ttl");
430         RuleEngine.create(tboxRuleset).eval(tbox);
431         LOGGER.info("TBox closed - {} quads", tbox.size());
433         if (owl2rl) {
434             // Initialize ABox rule engine
435             final Ruleset aboxRuleset = tboxRuleset.getABoxRuleset(tbox);
436             final RuleEngine aboxEngine = RuleEngine.create(aboxRuleset);
437             LOGGER.info("ABox rule engine initialized - {}", aboxEngine);
439             // Perform ABox inference
440             for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry1 : models.entrySet()) {
441                 for (final Map.Entry<URI, QuadModel> entry2 : entry1.getValue().entrySet()) {
442                     final int sizeBefore = entry2.getValue().size();
443                     aboxEngine.eval(entry2.getValue());
444                     for (final Statement stmt : tbox) {
445                         entry2.getValue().remove(stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(),
446                                 stmt.getObject());
447                     }
448                     final int sizeAfter = entry2.getValue().size();
449                     LOGGER.info("ABox closed for {}, graph {}: from {} to {} quads",
450                             entry1.getKey(), entry2.getKey(), sizeBefore, sizeAfter);
451                 }
452             }
454             // Remove redundant quads (i.e., type quads of pm:entries from other graphs, and type
455             // quads of pm:entries and resource graphs from pm:examples)
456             for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry1 : models.entrySet()) {
457                 final String source = entry1.getKey();
458                 final Map<URI, QuadModel> sourceModels = entry1.getValue();
459                 final QuadModel entriesModel = sourceModels.get(PM.ENTRIES);
460                 for (final Map.Entry<URI, QuadModel> entry2 : sourceModels.entrySet()) {
461                     final URI graph = entry2.getKey();
462                     final boolean isEntries = graph.equals(PM.ENTRIES);
463                     final boolean isExamples = isExampleGraph(graph);
464                     final QuadModel filteredModel = QuadModel.create();
465                     outer: for (final Statement stmt : entry2.getValue()) {
466                         if (stmt.getPredicate().getNamespace().equals("sys:")) {
467                             continue;
468                         } else if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
469                             if (stmt.getObject() instanceof BNode) {
470                                 continue;
471                             } else if (stmt.getObject() instanceof URI
472                                     && ((URI) stmt.getObject()).getNamespace().equals("sys:")) {
473                                 continue;
474                             } else if (isExamples) {
475                                 for (final QuadModel model : sourceModels.values()) {
476                                     if (model != entry2.getValue() && model.contains(stmt)) {
477                                         continue outer;
478                                     }
479                                 }
480                             } else if (!isEntries) {
481                                 if (entriesModel != null && entriesModel.contains(stmt)) {
482                                     continue;
483                                 }
484                             }
485                         }
486                         filteredModel.add(stmt);
487                     }
488                     final int sizeBefore = entry2.getValue().size();
489                     entry2.setValue(filteredModel);
490                     final int sizeAfter = entry2.getValue().size();
491                     LOGGER.info("ABox filtered for {}, graph {}: from {} to {} quads", source,
492                             entry2.getKey(), sizeBefore, sizeAfter);
493                 }
494             }
495         }
497         // Filter TBox
498         for (final Statement stmt : ImmutableList.copyOf(tbox)) {
499             if (stmt.getPredicate().getNamespace().equals("sys:")
500                     || stmt.getObject() instanceof URI
501                             && ((URI) stmt.getObject()).getNamespace().equals("sys:")) {
502                 tbox.remove(stmt);
503             }
504         }
506         // Compute mapping statistics before filtering mappings
507         final List<String> sourceKeys = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(models.keySet(),
508                 ImmutableList.of("on5", "wn30", "wn31", "ili", "all")));
509         final List<QuadModel> quadModels = models.values().stream()
510                 .flatMap(m -> m.values().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
511         Map<String, MappingStatistics> msBefore = null;
512         Map<String, MappingStatistics> msAfter = null;
513         if (statistics) {
514             msBefore = Maps.newHashMap();
515             for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry : models.entrySet()) {
516                 msBefore.put(entry.getKey(), new MappingStatistics(entry.getValue().values(),
517                         sourceKeys, entry.getKey()));
518             }
519             msBefore.put("all", new MappingStatistics(quadModels, ImmutableList.of(), "all"));
520             msAfter = msBefore;
521         }
523         // Remove illegal mappings
524         if (filterMappings) {
525             filterMappings(models);
526         }
528         // Compute and emit statistics
529         if (statistics) {
530             if (filterMappings) {
531                 msAfter = Maps.newHashMap();
532                 for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry : models.entrySet()) {
533                     msAfter.put(entry.getKey(), new MappingStatistics(entry.getValue().values(),
534                             sourceKeys, entry.getKey()));
535                 }
536                 msAfter.put("all", new MappingStatistics(quadModels, ImmutableList.of(), "all"));
537             }
538             LOGGER.info("Resource statistics");
539             LOGGER.info(String.format("  %-10s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s",
540                     "source", "#classes", "#roles", "#conc", "#entries", "#examples", "#annsets",
541                     "#classrel", "#rolerel", "#corestmt"));
542             for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry : models.entrySet()) {
543                 final String source = entry.getKey();
544                 final InstanceStatistics s = new InstanceStatistics(entry.getValue().values(),
545                         tbox);
546                 LOGGER.info(String.format("  %-10s %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d",
547                         source, s.numSemanticClasses, s.numSemanticRoles, s.numConceptualizations,
548                         s.numLexicalEntries, s.numExamples, s.numAnnotationSets, s.numClassRels,
549                         s.numRoleRels, s.numCoreTriples));
550             }
551             final InstanceStatistics s = new InstanceStatistics(quadModels, tbox);
552             LOGGER.info(String.format("  %-10s %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d",
553                     "all", s.numSemanticClasses, s.numSemanticRoles, s.numConceptualizations,
554                     s.numLexicalEntries, s.numExamples, s.numAnnotationSets, s.numClassRels,
555                     s.numRoleRels, s.numCoreTriples));
556             LOGGER.info("Mapping statistics");
557             LOGGER.info(String.format("  %-32s %-39s %-39s", "sources", "# good mappings",
558                     "# invalid mappings"));
559             LOGGER.info(String.format(
560                     "  %-10s %-10s %-10s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s", "from", "to",
561                     "resource", "con", "class", "role", "other", "con", "class", "role", "other"));
562             for (final String from : sourceKeys) {
563                 final Integer z = new Integer(0);
564                 for (final String to : sourceKeys) {
565                     for (final String resource : Iterables.concat(models.keySet(),
566                             ImmutableList.of("all"))) {
567                         final MappingStatistics ms = msAfter.get(resource);
568                         final MappingStatistics msb = msBefore.get(resource);
569                         final int nx, nc, nr, no, nxb, ncb, nrb, nob;
570                         nx = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(ms.conMappings.get(from, to), z);
571                         nc = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(ms.classMappings.get(from, to), z);
572                         nr = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(ms.roleMappings.get(from, to), z);
573                         no = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(ms.otherMappings.get(from, to), z);
574                         nxb = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(msb.conMappings.get(from, to), z);
575                         ncb = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(msb.classMappings.get(from, to), z);
576                         nrb = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(msb.roleMappings.get(from, to), z);
577                         nob = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(msb.otherMappings.get(from, to), z);
578                         if (nxb + ncb + nrb + nob > 0) {
579                             LOGGER.info(String.format(
580                                     "  %-10s %-10s %-10s %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d %-9d",
581                                     from, to, resource, nx, nc, nr, no, nxb - nx, ncb - nc,
582                                     nrb - nr, nob - no));
583                         }
584                     }
585                 }
586             }
587         }
589         // Start emitting data
590         LOGGER.info("Emitting datasets ...");
592         // Emit TBox
593         emit(base, "tbox", formats, ImmutableMap.of(PM.TBOX, tbox), null, owl2rl, false);
595         // Emit data of each resource, separating examples from other graphs
596         final Multimap<URI, QuadModel> modelsByURI = HashMultimap.create();
597         for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> entry : models.entrySet()) {
598             final String source = entry.getKey();
599             final Map<URI, QuadModel> graphModels = entry.getValue();
600             emit(base, source, formats, Maps.filterKeys(graphModels, g -> !isExampleGraph(g)),
601                     tbox, owl2rl, statistics);
602             emit(base, source + "-examples", formats,
603                     Maps.filterKeys(graphModels, g -> isExampleGraph(g)), tbox, owl2rl,
604                     statistics);
605             modelsByURI.putAll(Multimaps.forMap(graphModels));
606         }
608         // Emit aggregated data
609         final Map<URI, QuadModel> mergedGraphModels = Maps.newHashMap();
610         mergedGraphModels.put(PM.TBOX, tbox);
611         for (final Map.Entry<URI, Collection<QuadModel>> entry : modelsByURI.asMap().entrySet()) {
612             if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) {
613                 mergedGraphModels.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().iterator().next());
614             } else if (entry.getValue().size() > 1) {
615                 final QuadModel mergedModel = QuadModel.create();
616                 for (final QuadModel model : entry.getValue()) {
617                     for (final Namespace ns : model.getNamespaces()) {
618                         mergedModel.setNamespace(ns);
619                     }
620                     mergedModel.addAll(model);
621                 }
622                 mergedGraphModels.put(entry.getKey(), mergedModel);
623             }
624         }
625         emit(base, "models", formats, Maps.filterKeys(mergedGraphModels, g -> !isExampleGraph(g)),
626                 tbox, owl2rl, statistics);
627         emit(base, "all", formats, mergedGraphModels, tbox, owl2rl, statistics);
628     }
630     private static void emit(final String base, final String classifier, final String[] formats,
631             final Map<URI, QuadModel> models, @Nullable final QuadModel tbox, final boolean owl2rl,
632             final boolean statistics) throws RDFHandlerException {
634         // Assemble RDFpro pipeline - start emitting closed data in all configured formats
635         final List<RDFProcessor> processors = Lists.newArrayList();
636         for (final String format : formats) {
637             final String location = base + "-" + classifier + (owl2rl ? "-inf." : ".") + format;
638             processors.add(RDFProcessors.write(null, 1000, location));
639         }
640         processors.add(RDFProcessors.track(new Tracker(LOGGER, null,
641                 classifier + (owl2rl ? "-inf" : "") + " - %d quads", null)));
643         // Compute and emit statistics if enabled
644         if (statistics) {
645             final List<RDFProcessor> statsProcessors = Lists.newArrayList();
646             statsProcessors.add(RDFProcessors.stats(null, null, null, null, false));
647             for (final String format : formats) {
648                 final String location = base + "-" + classifier + "-stats." + format;
649                 statsProcessors.add(RDFProcessors.write(null, 1000, location));
650             }
651             statsProcessors.add(RDFProcessors
652                     .track(new Tracker(LOGGER, null, classifier + "-stats - %d quads", null)));
653             statsProcessors.add(RDFProcessors.NIL);
654             processors
655                     .add(RDFProcessors.parallel(SetOperator.UNION_MULTISET, RDFProcessors.IDENTITY,
656                             RDFProcessors.sequence(statsProcessors.toArray(new RDFProcessor[0]))));
657         }
659         // Remove inferrable triples, write, compute statistics, write
660         if (owl2rl && tbox != null) {
661             processors.add(new ProcessorUndoRDFS(RDFSources.wrap(tbox)));
662             for (final String format : formats) {
663                 final String location = base + "-" + classifier + "-noinf." + format;
664                 processors.add(RDFProcessors.write(null, 1000, location));
665             }
666             processors.add(RDFProcessors
667                     .track(new Tracker(LOGGER, null, classifier + "-noinf - %d quads", null)));
668         }
670         // Build the resulting sequence processor
671         final RDFProcessor processor = RDFProcessors
672                 .sequence(processors.toArray(new RDFProcessor[processors.size()]));
674         // Apply the processor
675         final RDFHandler handler = RDFHandlers.decouple(processor.wrap(RDFHandlers.NIL));
676         try {
677             // Start
678             handler.startRDF();
680             // Emit namespaces first
681             final Set<Namespace> namespaces = Sets.newHashSet();
682             for (final QuadModel model : models.values()) {
683                 namespaces.addAll(model.getNamespaces());
684             }
685             for (final Namespace namespace : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(namespaces)) {
686                 handler.handleNamespace(namespace.getPrefix(), namespace.getName());
687             }
689             // Emit data, one graph at a time and starting with pm:meta and pm:entries
690             final List<URI> sortedGraphs = Lists.newArrayList();
691             if (models.containsKey(PM.META)) {
692                 sortedGraphs.add(PM.META);
693             }
694             if (models.containsKey(PM.ENTRIES)) {
695                 sortedGraphs.add(PM.ENTRIES);
696             }
697             for (final URI graph : Ordering.from(Statements.valueComparator())
698                     .sortedCopy(models.keySet())) {
699                 if (!graph.equals(PM.META) && !graph.equals(PM.ENTRIES)) {
700                     sortedGraphs.add(graph);
701                 }
702             }
703             for (final URI graph : sortedGraphs) {
704                 for (final Statement stmt : models.get(graph)) {
705                     handler.handleStatement(new ContextStatementImpl(stmt.getSubject(),
706                             stmt.getPredicate(), stmt.getObject(), graph));
707                 }
708             }
709         } catch (final Throwable ex) {
710             LOGGER.error("File generation failed", ex);
712         } finally {
713             // End and release allocated resources
714             handler.endRDF();
715             IO.closeQuietly(handler);
716         }
717     }
719     private static void filterMappings(final Map<String, Map<URI, QuadModel>> models) {
721         LOGGER.info("Removing illegal mappings...");
723         final Set<URI> validItems = Sets.newHashSet();
724         for (final Map<URI, QuadModel> map : models.values()) {
725             for (final QuadModel model : map.values()) {
726                 for (final Statement stmt : model.filter(null, PMO.EVOKED_CONCEPT, null)) {
727                     validItems.add((URI) stmt.getSubject()); // conceptualizations
729                 }
730                 for (final Statement stmt : model.filter(null, PMO.SEM_ROLE, null)) {
731                     validItems.add((URI) stmt.getSubject()); // semantic class
732                     validItems.add((URI) stmt.getObject()); // semantic roles
733                 }
734             }
735         }
737         for (final Map<URI, QuadModel> map : models.values()) {
738             for (final Map.Entry<URI, QuadModel> entry : map.entrySet()) {
739                 final QuadModel model = entry.getValue();
740                 for (final URI type : new URI[] { PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION_MAPPING,
743                     int numMappingsToDelete = 0;
744                     int numMappings = 0;
745                     int mappingsDeletedCompletely = 0;
746                     int referencesRemoved = 0;
747                     final Map<String, Integer> numMappingsPerSource = Maps.newHashMap();
748                     final List<Statement> stmtsToDelete = Lists.newArrayList();
749                     for (final Resource m : model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, type).subjects()) {
750                         ++numMappings;
751                         final List<Statement> stmts = ImmutableList
752                                 .copyOf(model.filter(m, null, null));
753                         boolean valid = true;
754                         final List<Statement> stmtsInvalid = Lists.newArrayList();
755                         for (final Statement stmt : stmts) {
756                             if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(PMO.ITEM)
757                                     && !validItems.contains(stmt.getObject())) {
759                                 ++numMappingsToDelete;
760                                 final String str = stmt.getObject().stringValue();
761                                 for (final String source : models.keySet()) {
762                                     if (str.contains("-" + source + "-")
763                                             || str.contains("/" + source + "-")) {
764                                         numMappingsPerSource.put(source,
765                                                 1 + numMappingsPerSource.getOrDefault(source, 0));
766                                     }
767                                 }
769                                 if (numMappingsToDelete <= 10) {
770                                     LOGGER.warn("Removing illegal mapping {} - missing {}", m,
771                                             stmt.getObject());
772                                 } else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
773                                     LOGGER.debug("Removing illegal mapping {} - missing {}", m,
774                                             stmt.getObject());
775                                 } else if (numMappingsToDelete == 11) {
776                                     LOGGER.warn("Omitting further illegal mappings ....");
777                                 }
778                                 stmtsInvalid.add(stmt);
779                                 valid = false;
780                                 break;
781                             }
782                         }
783                         if (!valid) {
784                             int items = 0, itemsInv = 0;
785                             for (final Statement stmt : stmts) {
786                                 if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(PMO.ITEM)) {
787                                     items++;
788                                 }
789                             }
790                             for (final Statement stmt : stmtsInvalid) {
791                                 if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(PMO.ITEM)) {
792                                     itemsInv++;// useless (all Statement in stmtsInvalid are
793                                                // items)
794                                 }
795                             }
796                             if (items - itemsInv < 2) {
797                                 stmtsToDelete.addAll(stmts);
798                                 mappingsDeletedCompletely++;
799                                 if (numMappingsToDelete <= 10 || LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
800                                     LOGGER.info("Removing the complete mapping");
801                                 }
802                             } else {
803                                 stmtsToDelete.addAll(stmtsInvalid);
804                                 referencesRemoved++;
805                                 if (numMappingsToDelete <= 10 || LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
806                                     LOGGER.info("Removing only missing reference");
807                                 }
808                             }
809                         }
810                     }
811                     if (numMappingsToDelete > 0) {
812                         for (final Statement stmt : stmtsToDelete) {
813                             model.remove(stmt);
814                         }
815                         LOGGER.warn(
816                                 "{}/{} illegal {} mappings and {} references {} removed from {}\n############################################################################################################",
817                                 mappingsDeletedCompletely, numMappings,
818                                 type.equals(PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS_MAPPING) ? "semantic class"
819                                         : type.equals(PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION_MAPPING)
820                                                 ? "conceptualization" : "semantic role",
821                                 referencesRemoved, numMappingsPerSource, entry.getKey());
822                     }
823                 }
824             }
825         }
827         // Cleaning Ontological Mappings
828         for (final Map<URI, QuadModel> map : models.values()) {
829             for (final Map.Entry<URI, QuadModel> entry : map.entrySet()) {
830                 final QuadModel model = entry.getValue();
832                 final List<Statement> stmts = ImmutableList
833                         .copyOf(model.filter(null, PMO.ONTO_MATCH, null));
834                 int numMappingsToDelete = 0;
835                 int numTriplesToDelete = 0;
837                 for (Statement stmt : stmts) {
838                     if (!validItems.contains(stmt.getSubject())) {
839                         ++numMappingsToDelete;
841                         // delete ontology matching triple
842                         ++numTriplesToDelete;
843                         model.remove(stmt);
844                         if (numMappingsToDelete <= 10) {
845                             LOGGER.warn("Removing illegal ontoMatch {} - missing {}",
846                                     stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getObject());
847                         } else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
848                             LOGGER.debug("Removing illegal ontoMatch {} - missing {}",
849                                     stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getObject());
850                         } else if (numMappingsToDelete == 11) {
851                             LOGGER.warn("Omitting further illegal ontoMatch assertions ....");
852                         }
854                         // check if there are other things mapping to the same ontological
855                         // concept, otherwise remove all its triple
856                         if (ImmutableList
857                                 .copyOf(model.filter(null, PMO.ONTO_MATCH, stmt.getObject()))
858                                 .isEmpty()) {
860                             final List<Statement> onto_stmts_all = ImmutableList
861                                     .copyOf(model.filter((URI) stmt.getObject(), null, null));
862                             for (final Statement s : onto_stmts_all) {
864                                 ++numTriplesToDelete;
865                                 model.remove(s);
866                                 LOGGER.debug("Removing onto triple {} - {} - {}", s.getSubject(),
867                                         s.getPredicate(), s.getObject());
868                             }
869                         }
871                         // for all
872                         // Check if only remaining triple on subject is "rdf:type skos:Concept".
873                         // if so remove
875                         if (!model.contains(stmt.getSubject(), PMO.ONTO_MATCH, null)) {
877                             for (Statement rel_stmt : ImmutableList
878                                     .copyOf(model.filter(stmt.getSubject(), null, null))) {
880                                 ++numTriplesToDelete;
881                                 LOGGER.debug("Removing type triple {} - {} - {}",
882                                         rel_stmt.getSubject(), rel_stmt.getPredicate(),
883                                         rel_stmt.getObject());
884                                 model.remove(stmt);
886                             }
887                         }
889                     }
891                 }
893                 LOGGER.warn(
894                         "{} illegal ontoMatch assertions and {} related triples removed from {}\n############################################################################################################",
895                         numMappingsToDelete, numTriplesToDelete, entry.getKey());
897             }
898         }
900     }
902     private static boolean isExampleGraph(final URI uri) {
903         return uri.getLocalName().endsWith("-ex");
904     }
906     private static final class InstanceStatistics {
908         final int numSemanticClasses;
910         final int numSemanticRoles;
912         final int numConceptualizations;
914         final int numLexicalEntries;
916         final int numExamples;
918         final int numAnnotationSets;
920         final int numClassRels;
922         final int numRoleRels;
924         final int numCoreTriples;
926         public InstanceStatistics(final Iterable<? extends QuadModel> models,
927                 final QuadModel tbox) {
929             final Set<URI> roleRelProperties = Sets.newHashSet();
930             for (final Resource rel : tbox.filter(null, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, PMO.ROLE_REL)
931                     .subjects()) {
932                 if (rel instanceof URI && !rel.equals(PMO.ROLE_REL)) {
933                     roleRelProperties.add((URI) rel);
934                 }
935             }
937             final Set<Value> classes = Sets.newHashSet();
938             final Set<Value> roles = Sets.newHashSet();
939             final Set<Value> examples = Sets.newHashSet();
940             final Set<Value> annotationSets = Sets.newHashSet();
941             final Set<Statement> classRels = Sets.newHashSet();
942             final Set<Statement> roleRels = Sets.newHashSet();
943             for (final QuadModel model : models) {
944                 for (final Resource c : model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS)
945                         .subjects()) {
946                     if (model.contains(null, PMO.EVOKED_CONCEPT, c)
947                             || model.contains(c, PMO.CLASS_REL, null)
948                             || model.contains(null, PMO.CLASS_REL, c)) {
949                         classes.add(c);
950                     }
951                 }
952                 roles.addAll(model.filter(null, PMO.SEM_ROLE, null).objects());
953                 examples.addAll(model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, PMO.EXAMPLE).subjects());
954                 annotationSets.addAll(model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, PMO.ANNOTATION_SET).subjects());
955                 classRels.addAll(model.filter(null, PMO.CLASS_REL, null));
956                 for (final URI roleRelProperty : roleRelProperties) {
957                     roleRels.addAll(model.filter(null, roleRelProperty, null));
958                 }
959             }
960             this.numSemanticClasses = classes.size();
961             this.numSemanticRoles = roles.size();
962             this.numExamples = examples.size();
963             this.numAnnotationSets = annotationSets.size();
964             this.numClassRels = classRels.size();
965             this.numRoleRels = roleRels.size();
967             final Set<Statement> conceptualizations = Sets.newHashSet();
968             final Set<Value> lexicalEntries = Sets.newHashSet();
969             for (final QuadModel model : models) {
970                 for (final Statement stmt : model.filter(null, ONTOLEX.EVOKES, null)) {
971                     if (classes.contains(stmt.getObject()) || roles.contains(stmt.getObject())) {
972                         conceptualizations.add(stmt);
973                         lexicalEntries.add(stmt.getSubject());
974                     }
975                 }
976             }
977             this.numConceptualizations = conceptualizations.size();
978             this.numLexicalEntries = lexicalEntries.size();
980             final Set<Value> coreInstances = Sets.newHashSet();
981             for (final QuadModel model : models) {
982                 for (final Statement stmt : model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, null)) {
983                     final Value type = stmt.getObject();
984                     if (type.equals(PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS) || type.equals(PMO.SEMANTIC_ROLE)
985                             || type.equals(PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION) || type.equals(PMO.MAPPING)
986                             || type.equals(ONTOLEX.LEXICAL_ENTRY) || type.equals(ONTOLEX.FORM)) {
987                         coreInstances.add(stmt.getSubject());
988                     }
989                 }
990             }
992             final Set<Statement> coreStmts = Sets.newHashSet();
993             for (final QuadModel model : models) {
994                 for (final Statement stmt : model) {
995                     if (coreInstances.contains(stmt.getSubject())
996                             || coreInstances.contains(stmt.getObject())) {
997                         if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(ONTOLEX.CANONICAL_FORM)
998                                 || stmt.getPredicate().equals(ONTOLEX.WRITTEN_REP)
999                                 || stmt.getPredicate().equals(PMO.FIRST)) {
1000                             continue; // avoid counting inferences
1001                         }
1002                         final String ns = stmt.getPredicate().getNamespace();
1003                         if (ns.equals(PMO.NAMESPACE) || ns.equals(ONTOLEX.NAMESPACE)
1004                                 || ns.equals(DECOMP.NAMESPACE) || ns.equals(LEXINFO.NAMESPACE)
1005                                 || ns.equals(RDFS.NAMESPACE) || ns.equals(OWL.NAMESPACE)
1006                                 || ns.equals(DCTERMS.NAMESPACE)) {
1007                             coreStmts.add(stmt);
1008                         }
1009                     }
1010                 }
1011             }
1012             this.numCoreTriples = coreStmts.size();
1013         }
1015     }
1017     private static final class MappingStatistics {
1019         final Table<String, String, Integer> conMappings;
1021         final Table<String, String, Integer> classMappings;
1023         final Table<String, String, Integer> roleMappings;
1025         final Table<String, String, Integer> otherMappings;
1027         public MappingStatistics(final Iterable<? extends QuadModel> models,
1028                 final Iterable<String> sources, final String resource) {
1030             final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> conHashes = HashBasedTable.create();
1031             final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> classHashes = HashBasedTable.create();
1032             final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> roleHashes = HashBasedTable.create();
1033             final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> otherHashes = HashBasedTable.create();
1035             final List<String> sourceKeys = ImmutableList.copyOf(sources);
1036             final List<Pattern> sourcePatterns = ImmutableList.copyOf(sourceKeys.stream()
1037                     .map(s -> Pattern.compile("[-/]" + Pattern.quote(s) + "-")).iterator());
1039             for (final QuadModel model : models) {
1040                 for (final Resource mapping : model.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, PMO.MAPPING)
1041                         .subjects()) {
1043                     final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> hashes;
1044                     if (model.contains(mapping, RDF.TYPE, PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION_MAPPING)) {
1045                         hashes = conHashes;
1046                     } else if (model.contains(mapping, RDF.TYPE, PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS_MAPPING)) {
1047                         hashes = classHashes;
1048                     } else if (model.contains(mapping, RDF.TYPE, PMO.SEMANTIC_ROLE_MAPPING)) {
1049                         hashes = roleHashes;
1050                     } else {
1051                         hashes = otherHashes;
1052                     }
1054                     final Map<String, String> items = Maps.newHashMap();
1055                     for (final Value item : model.filter(mapping, PMO.ITEM, null).objects()) {
1056                         final String str = item.stringValue();
1057                         for (int i = 0; i < sourceKeys.size(); ++i) {
1058                             if (sourcePatterns.get(i).matcher(str).find()) {
1059                                 items.put(sourceKeys.get(i), item.stringValue());
1060                             }
1061                         }
1062                     }
1064                     for (final String fromSource : items.keySet()) {
1065                         for (final String toSource : items.keySet()) {
1066                             if (fromSource.compareTo(toSource) < 0) {
1067                                 addHash(hashes, fromSource, toSource, items.get(fromSource), "|",
1068                                         items.get(toSource));
1069                             }
1070                         }
1071                     }
1073                     addHash(hashes, "all", "all",
1074                             Joiner.on('|').join(Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(items.values())));
1075                 }
1077                 int mappingsCount = model.filter(null, PMO.ONTO_MATCH, null).size();
1078                 if (mappingsCount != 0)
1079                     LOGGER.debug(
1080                             "Processing " + mappingsCount + " for mapping resource " + resource);
1082                 for (final Statement mapping : model.filter(null, PMO.ONTO_MATCH, null)) {
1084                     final Resource subject = mapping.getSubject();
1085                     final Value object = mapping.getObject();
1087                     final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> hashes;
1089                     if (model.contains(subject, RDF.TYPE, PMO.CONCEPTUALIZATION)) {
1090                         hashes = conHashes;
1091                     } else if (model.contains(subject, RDF.TYPE, PMO.SEMANTIC_CLASS)) {
1092                         hashes = classHashes;
1093                     } else if (model.contains(subject, RDF.TYPE, PMO.SEMANTIC_ROLE)) {
1094                         hashes = roleHashes;
1095                     } else
1096                         hashes = otherHashes;
1098                     final String subjStr = subject.stringValue();
1099                     String subjRes = "";
1100                     for (int i = 0; i < sourceKeys.size(); ++i) {
1101                         if (sourcePatterns.get(i).matcher(subjStr).find()) {
1102                             subjRes = sourceKeys.get(i);
1103                             break;
1104                         }
1105                     }
1106                     final String objStr = object.stringValue();
1108                     addHash(hashes, subjRes, resource, subjStr, "|", objStr);
1109                     addHash(hashes, "all", "all", subjStr, "|", objStr);
1110                 }
1112             }
1114             this.conMappings = countHashes(conHashes);
1115             this.classMappings = countHashes(classHashes);
1116             this.roleMappings = countHashes(roleHashes);
1117             this.otherMappings = countHashes(otherHashes);
1118         }
1120         private static void addHash(final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> hashes,
1121                 final String row, final String col, final String... hashedStrings) {
1122             Set<Hash> set = hashes.get(row, col);
1123             if (set == null) {
1124                 set = Sets.newHashSet();
1125                 hashes.put(row, col, set);
1126             }
1127             set.add(Hash.murmur3(hashedStrings));
1128         }
1130         private static Table<String, String, Integer> countHashes(
1131                 final Table<String, String, Set<Hash>> hashes) {
1132             final Table<String, String, Integer> counts = HashBasedTable.create();
1133             for (final Cell<String, String, Set<Hash>> cell : hashes.cellSet()) {
1134                 counts.put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue().size());
1135             }
1136             return counts;
1137         }
1139     }
1141 }