PreMOn (Predicate Model for Ontologies) is a linguistic Linked Data resource representing predicate models such as PropBank, NomBank, VerbNet and FrameNet. PreMOn provides an OWL ontology for modelling semantic classes (i.e., verb classes, rolesets, frames) with their roles, mappings across different predicate models and to ontological resources, and annotations, based on OntoLex-Lemon (Lexicon Model for Ontologies). PreMOn comes with a set of RDF datasets for the main predicate models described using this ontology.
- Modular OWL 2.0 ontology (core module with extension for each predicate model)
- Based on OntoLex-Lemon by the Ontology-Lexica Community Group at W3C
- Dataset with VOID statistics available for: PropBank (1.7, 2.1.5, 3.1); NomBank (1.0); VerbNet (3.2, 3.3); FrameNet (1.5, 1.6, and 1.7); SemLink (1.2.2c); PredicateMatrix (1.3); Ontological mappings to FrameBase (2.0) and ESO.
- SPARQL endpoint with web interface
- PreMOn Navigator to easily lookup Semantic Classes and Lexical Entries
- URI dereferencing and navigation using lodview
- premonitor software for converting original resources
- 2018-02-15 PreMOn 2018.a released (Added VerbNet 3.3)
- 2017-05-01 PreMOn 2017.a released (Added FrameNet 1.7, PropBank 3.1, ontological mappings to FrameBase 2.0 and ESO 2.0)
- 2016-05-20 Browse PreMOn with the Navigator!
- 2016-05-04 PreMOn 2016.b released (Added PredicateMatrix 1.3)
- 2016-04-08 PreMOn is on DataHub!
- 2016-03-10 Manuscript of the LREC2016 paper available
- 2016-03-10 PreMOn 2016.a released (Added FrameNet 1.5 & 1.6, VerbNet 3.2 , SemLink 1.2.2c)
- 2016-01-26 Paper accepted at LREC2016.
- 2015-11-12 Updated datasets (added missing inferences)
- 2015-10-28 PreMOn 2015.a released (Published ontology, PropBank 1.7 & 2.1.5, and NomBank 1.0 datasets)